Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nosy Neighbors

Aiden and Gracen are so nosy...they are always peeking through our neighbors fence. This picture was just too cute. And I promise, contrary to what you might think...I do have shorts for them. They just like to nap in their undies, and sometimes their shorts just never get back on when they wake up...oh well, for those of ya'll who know specifically where we live...Blake and I figure we have just acclimated to our surroundings! :)


Marissa said...

Ahh...that reminds me of us looking out our blinds to spy on the drunk puking outside our window. :) oh, the memories!

Mageetribe said...

Oh my gosh...I totally remember that!! That was so gross. Although, I think we spied a few more times then that...I remember watching you and Moi a few times making out..Ha...just kidding...although you were probably doing that on the stairs! :) Ah, yes..those sweet memories!