Oh, my sweet sweet Evan...where do I start. Well, I meant to do a 2 month update on her and time totally got away from me. And now she is 3 months, oh well. Here are some things that we have found out and adore about Evan in her tiny 3 months of life.
*You like to sleep on your back, and hate tummy time. You get kinda panicky when I put you on your tummy.
*You love your Mommy. I will just walk past you and you start smiling and kicking. You immediately turn your head when you hear me talking. I love it!
*You love to be held by Daddy. Daddy seems to have this calming effect on you and your siblings when they were babies. You totally relax in his arms. It's a sight.
*You adore your brother and sisters...they can get you to smile and laugh pretty easily. You perk up when you hear their voices.
*You are a thumb sucker. I have never had one of those before...or even a paci kid. As soon as we put you in bed, you stick your thumb in your mouth. It's pretty cute...but not looking forward to breaking that habit in the future.
*You like your sleep...a lot. It's great. You started sleeping through the night when you were about 8 weeks old. It's the same age as the other 3...I think that's kinda interesting. But you were the easiest to sleep train out of all our kids.
*Your favorite place to sleep is your bed. It's almost as if you sigh with relief when we lay you down in there...maybe because you are finally alone. :)
*You like to ride in the car, and the stroller. You also like to be worn.
*You are a pretty laid back, go with the flow, flexible baby. I really hope you turn out to be like Daddy. Daddy is SO laid back, and was as a kid too...No such luck with the other 3. So far so good with you.
*You love you to observe your crazy family, but get over stimulated pretty easily...sorry.
*You really like to eat, but kinda eat like a bird.
You are a total blessing. You have made the transition from 3 to 4 kids so easy for us. All 5 of us love you so much, and we didn't even have to deal with any jealousy. You are the picture of God's grace.
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